Meet Malachi Moore
Born 1985, Malachi Moore is a Gary, Indiana native that has been drawing since the age of 4. He strives to create art that inspires the exploration of truth, an anti-toxin to what he describes as “a world where art is being used to obscure moral clarity.” Malachi carries a BA in Media Arts & Animation from the Illinois Institute of Art - Chicago. He currently works as an illustrator for Graphics United and is Vice President of TripGear LLC, a character education company that produces original art and stories to inspire moral development in youth.
Artist Statement:
I see art, with all its potential for good, being used as a weapon against the masses to disorient. Intentionally and unintentionally, so much art - whether it be music, film, paintings, so on – obscure moral clarity. This art poses interesting and valid questions about all aspects of life, but so little of it presents or seems willing to reach any solid conclusion. It all feeds a culture-wide state of confusion where even the simplest questions of physical reality or morality become matters of endless contemplation with no answer in sight. I work to develop art that does more than just ask questions, but posits solutions. In both my personal pieces and commercial works for clients, I often employ vibrant colors; it’s my small way of cutting through the gray haze of confusion that blankets our culture. It is through color, solid recognizable shapes and fun that I seek to transport viewers to different worlds of possibility where truth is confronted head-on.
Born 1985, Malachi Moore is a Gary, Indiana native that has been drawing since the age of 4. He strives to create art that inspires the exploration of truth, an anti-toxin to what he describes as “a world where art is being used to obscure moral clarity.” Malachi carries a BA in Media Arts & Animation from the Illinois Institute of Art - Chicago. He currently works as an illustrator for Graphics United and is Vice President of TripGear LLC, a character education company that produces original art and stories to inspire moral development in youth.
Artist Statement:
I see art, with all its potential for good, being used as a weapon against the masses to disorient. Intentionally and unintentionally, so much art - whether it be music, film, paintings, so on – obscure moral clarity. This art poses interesting and valid questions about all aspects of life, but so little of it presents or seems willing to reach any solid conclusion. It all feeds a culture-wide state of confusion where even the simplest questions of physical reality or morality become matters of endless contemplation with no answer in sight. I work to develop art that does more than just ask questions, but posits solutions. In both my personal pieces and commercial works for clients, I often employ vibrant colors; it’s my small way of cutting through the gray haze of confusion that blankets our culture. It is through color, solid recognizable shapes and fun that I seek to transport viewers to different worlds of possibility where truth is confronted head-on.